Healthy Habits

A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.

Spanish proverb

The strong relationship between physical and mental health is well established. Efforts to improve physical health have been shown to reduce anxiety and improve symptoms of depression according to this article from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Sometimes, the problem is not knowing what we need. Sometimes, the problem is our motivation. Frederick Health notes that “[m]ental and physical health rely heavily on each other. Our minds and bodies are connected. If you have problems with one, you’re likely to have problems with the other.” Following are some facts and acts to help us get our physical health on track and our mental health, in turn.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, there are people who can help you. Please call or text 988 or click this button to go to where you can find more information and even chat with someone 24 hours a day.


Every expert source we reviewed made the same recommendation for nightly sleep for adults: at least 7 hours! Why is sleep important?

Good Sleep BenefitsPoor Sleep Effects
Immune system boostForgetfulness and poor concentration
Improved mood and emotional processingLoss of motivation
Decreased stressMoodiness
Increased productivityLong-term health conditions including: high blood pressure, lowered immunity, obesity, diabetes, heart problems, and depression
Source: Sleep: How Much You Need and Its 4 Stages. (2021, 3 Dec) Cleveland Clinic

If you need to sleep more, try making simple changes like turning off electronic devices later in the evening, going to sleep 15 minutes earlier than usual, and doing something relaxing.

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The evidence between the food-mood connection is so strong, that there is actually a brand-new field of study devoted to it – Nutritional Psychiatry. The presence or absence of certain nutrients have been found to affect irritability, depression, suicide, and overall emotional well-being.

Recommended FoodsFoods to Avoid
Essential Fatty Acids
Whole Grains
Antioxidant Rich
Fermented Foods
High Sugar
High Fat

Can Certain Foods Improve Your Mood? (2021, Jul 1) by Amanda Capritto, ACE-CPT, INHC for Verywell Fit

Regardless of what the food is, it is important to take two things into consideration. First, pay attention to how you feel after you eat certain foods. A food may have little to no recognizable impact on one person, and it may leave another feeling tired or with some body discomfort. Second, talk with a medical professional with training in nutrition and who understands your individual situation and needs.

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Far too often and for far too long, the conversation around physical activity has been linked to high intensity exercise and measurements around the waist and on scale. While vigorous activity is important, and numbers can provide helpful information, physical activity for well-being means so much more.

Quality exercise can be walking, stretching, lifting weights, dancing, and more! It can also be a few minutes here and there throughout the day, and not necessarily a trip to the gym for an hour.

When it comes to results, well that’s the great news – exercise benefits the body in ways that we can’t readily measure. Initially, we may not even be aware of any changes, but the effects will be noticeable, and our mental health will be one of the most noticeable areas of positive impact.

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Leap Early Learning Partner RECHARGE content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician.