Technical Assistance
What is Technical Assistance?
The goal of technical assistance (TA) is to create sustainable quality improvement in early care and education programs to ensure every child has access to high quality early learning.
Currently, Leap Early Learning Partners is available to provide technical assistance to programs in our region that have a desire to make quality improvements through participation in Georgia’s Quality Rated program. We partner with early care and learning professionals to help them achieve their selected goals within the framework of Quality Rated and the state’s rules and regulations governing child care programs. Our technical assistance model is evidence-based and includes a strong Provider-TA partnership.
Our approach to technical assistance helps you build on what you are already doing. Through the process you will receive professional development training, on-site visits to provide one-on-one modeling and support, mini-grant funds to support identified needs, and valuable resources.
Why request to participate in the Quality Rated Technical Assistance Project?
Participation in Quality Rated allows child care providers to take advantage of technical assistance and professional development at NO COST to the program! The return on this no-cost investment can yield higher enrollment, higher customer satisfaction ratings and overall, better child outcomes.
Still unsure about taking the Leap?
We’ve corrected some of the common myths and compiled some comments from providers with whom we’ve previously worked. Find this helpful information here.
How does a program start the process?
All licensed/registered child care providers are eligible to participate in Georgia’s Quality Rated program by completing an application. All current eligibility guidelines are available in the Quality Rated Program Manual. Qualifying programs that would like support going through this process can request technical assistance by filling out the form below or by calling 706-922-7182 or 877-228-3566.