Who We Are

Leap Early Learning Partners is a Child Care Resource and Referral Agency (CCR&R) of Augusta University. CCR&R’s work hand-in-hand with families, early learning professionals, and advocates to ensure that children grow and learn in safe, high quality early learning environments. In addition to our advocacy efforts, Leap provides direct services to child care programs in a 23-county service area throughout Central East Georgia.

Our diverse team has more than 600 years of collective experience in the field of early childhood. We are former owners, directors, social service managers, early learning professors, recreation therapists, teachers and more, and we share a vision for great early learning experiences for children, families, and professionals.  We are thankful that we can bring our individual passions, experiences, skills, and training together to carry out that vision.

We are funded, in part, by Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning through the Federal Child Care Development Block Grant.