leap news

Emergency Preparedness Starting Points

Georgia Rules and Regulations (cited below) require licensed child care programs to have a plan for handling various potential emergency situations.

CCLC: 591-1-1-.21(1)(p)

FCCLH: 290-2-3-.11(2)(a)

Fortunately, there are many resources available to help programs get ready. Following are some of our favorites. If you still need help after checking out these tools and tips, you can reach out to your local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency for more assistance. Find your agency here: GACCRRA

Georgia Tip of the Month: Emergency Plans

Child Care Aware of America Emergency Preparedness

Centers for Disease Control: Caring for Children in a Disaster

Penn State Extension: Emergency Preparedness

Maine Y.I.K.E.S. Planning Guide

post by: Jason Jacobs
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