leap news
Thoughtful Father Raises Serious Concerns About Teacher Behavior
Just a couple weeks into the school year, a Colorado father was surprised to hear that his second grade daughter wasn’t playing with peers on the playground but with a fourth-grade teacher, whom she referred to by first name, instead. As the father of five talked with his daughter, he learned more that disturbed him including that the teacher had given his daughter an inappropriate pet name and was writing private notes to the seven-year-old.
Concerned, the girl’s parents arranged for a conversation with the school principal, who insisted that nothing inappropriate was going on between the teacher and child. The parents withdrew their daughter and enrolled her at another school.
For more information on this story featured on Yahoo! News and some insight on the situation from a professor of Educational Leadership, follow the link above.
To learn more about the signs and symptoms of childhood sexual abuse and what caring adults can do to prevent it, check out our training calendar for a training titled Stewards of Children or contact us to request information about trainings in your area.
In the meantime, you may also want to bookmark the Darkness to Light website for a wealth of resources related to childhood sexual abuse awareness and prevention.