leap news
Let’s Dig In! An Introduction to Farm to Early Care and Education
Saturday, July 16, 2022
9:00-11:00 am
Universal Learning Academy; 3355 Deans Bridge Rd, Suite 3, Augusta, GA 30906
· During this hands-on training, we will learn about Farm to ECE and do some fun activities that can be replicated in the classroom. We will show examples of Farm to ECE programs from a recent USDA-funded grant project in Southwest Georgia.
· This training is appropriate for teachers, administrators, family providers, and nutrition staff
· You can register here through the Georgia PDS. Or, search scheduled trainings with the keywords “Let’s Dig In”. Registration is limited to the first 25 people. If you have questions or have trouble registering, reach out to Monica Griffin at 248-921-2238 or [email protected].