Teaching When Talking is Tough Module 2: Dual Language Development

1 Credit Hour, Beginner Level
Competency: ECE 1.2, ADM-2
Cost: Free

*This training will take place online only via a live webinar. Each participant must log on to a separate computer or via the WebEx Meetings smartphone app (Android / iPhone) in order to be eligible to receive training credit.

Description:  Participants will be aware of the importance of sociological context in early English language and literacy development in the early childhood setting.

Please note that this training is delivered in a virtual setting. Please see the sessions for more detail.

Before registering, please review our Training Policies.

To register for this training, please log in to your GaPDS account at https://gapds.decal.ga.gov/default.aspx.  Then click direct training link.

You will receive an email for this WebEx Training event 24 hours in advance of the event.  The email will include a link as well other necessary and helpful information.

If you do not have a GaPDS account, you can create an account by using the following link https://gapds.decal.ga.gov/Account/Registration.aspx .


Day: Saturday, June 05
Time: 10:00am


Webex Training


Name: Leap Professional Development Team
Email: [email protected]