Quality Rated ECERS-3 In-Depth
Child Care Provider Training
4 Credit Hours
Competency: ECE-2, ECE-6, ADM-5
Cost: FREE for Preschool Teachers Participating in Quality Rated
An in-depth exploration of the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales-Revised (ECERS-3).
Before registering, please review our Training Policies.
To register for this training, please log in to your GaPDS account at https://gapds.decal.ga.gov/default.aspx and click the “Find Training” tab.
If you do not have a GaPDS account, you can create an account by using the following link https://gapds.decal.ga.gov/Account/Registration.aspx .Creating an account allows you to register for any scheduled Quality Rated and Standards (GELDS) training sessions within your region.
Day: Saturday, February 03Time: 9:00am
Riverdale Town Centre7210 Church St,
Riverdale, Ga, 30274
Name: Justin WigginsEmail: [email protected]