Dealing With the Financial Side of the Coronavirus
Child Care Provider Training
Webinar Presented by Tom Copeland
Registration link:
This is a time of great stress for many family child care providers. Providers need information on how to cope with the financial impact of the virus crisis. This webinar will cover:
• Can you get covered by insurance for loss of business income?
• Are you eligible for unemployment benefits if you shut down?
• Can you exclude children if you think they are too sick to attend?
• How to change your contract/policies to cover you when parents temporarily keep their children home
• What can you do financially if you shut down temporarily?
1 BFTS state approved training credit.
NOTE: In order to get credit and a certificate attendees must be on time and stay for the full hour. As with all these webinars, Tom Copeland’s office will provide QCC with a log showing the sign in and sign out times of each registrant to confirm who participated the full hour.
Day: Tuesday, April 14Time: 6:30pm
Online OnlyContact
Name: Monique D. Reynolds, Quality Care for ChildrenEmail: [email protected]