leap news
DECAL Website Has a Makeover
In case you missed it, Georgia’s Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) recently released news of their updated website. We encourage parents, early learning professionals and advocates to read the original email that follows and to check out the new site.
April 4, 2016 News Release:
In this electronic age, the front door of any organization is its website. This technology allows us to serve members of the public on a 24/7 basis placing a wide variety of information, forms, and resources at their fingertips. Here at DECAL, our website has traditionally been a powerful resource in assisting and empowering families, providers, teachers, and the general public…and we are always looking for ways to improve it.
Over the past several months, our IT team has been working to give www.decal.ga.gov a “makeover” for 2016 and on Monday, April 4, 2016, we will launch the new site to the public. Each of our divisions assigned a representative to work with this team to review your current information, update as needed, and make improvements. This has been a great combined effort and we believe you will like the changes.
The homepage has been streamlined with prominent photos reflecting our mission and featuring our major initiatives. These will be updated regularly. Visitors will find easy menus at the top aimed at Programs, Families, Teachers, and Providers. You will see clear buttons for Finding Childcare, Finding Georgia’s Pre-K, Finding a Meal Site, FAQs, Employment Opportunities, and License Fee Payments. These buttons are based on the most popular visits and searches on our site.
We have placed live “news feeds” for our DECAL newsroom, Facebook, and Twitter. There are Quick Links for KOALA, PANDA, Professional Development, and Training Approval, among other links. We hope you will enjoy the new www.decal.ga.gov.